Kenneth R. Jenkins
2 min readSep 19, 2020


Gun Shootings: Enough is Enough!

By Kenneth Jenkins

A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Amendment II of the Constitution of the United States of America.

The above statement, from the U.S. Constitution, can be interrupted anyway you want even in times where gun violence has been a news story in our media. But there are questions that needs to be answered before we agree or disagree with the NRA or anyone else on the Right to Bear Arms.

Where are all these guns are coming from? Who are the ones purchasing these weapons? Why aren’t our police departments are not picking up these guns keeping from the hands of those who are committing those gun crimes in our cities?

There seems to be more questions than answers and not a lot of solutions to solve these problems since we have police officers either choking out or shooting an individual especially a person of color on the streets while their blood is pouring on the very streets they live. The streets are not safe especially if you are person of color with a target on your back all the time.

In Boston, gun violence is on the rise in the city this year, with the number of shootings up 29% compared to the same last year according to The Boston Herald.

According to the Gothamist, there has been forty-nine people that was shot over the course of 72 hours between Thursday and Saturday, compared to eight shooting victims over the same time period last year

according to preliminary NYPD statistics. And so, has this pandemic made everyone gun crazy? Enough is enough of shootings from individuals as well as trigger happy police officers.

Our prayers to the victims of those who lost their lives due to gun violence. These families should not be in the shadows of gun violence destroying precious lives; and that’s not right!

Kenneth R. Jenkins is a freelance writer, poet, podcast host/producer, minister, devoted husband living in Savannah, GA.



Kenneth R. Jenkins

Freelance Writer, Poet, Podcast Host/Producer,Minister, Devoted Husband, Editor of K! Magazine.